Don’t Compete, Just Dominate

Don’t Compete, Just Dominate

There was a time, where many people advised to compete which was considered healthy. Those people used to focus on creativity and innovation with striving and persistence they got more opportunities to win. However, it is difficult to win by completion in this modern era. To succeed in any industry, you must take practical steps to dominate.

Let`s differentiate between competition and domination. Competition is an activity of striving to win something by defeating whereas; Domination is the exercise of power or influence over someone or something. There are many examples for domination such as; Apple, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Microsoft etc.

If you are really want to dominate so you must start your own business .For the purpose, you have to think about your passion and interest .having selected the one proceed and be persistent because early years of any business are harder and be ready to face hindrances and obstacles . To be different you must do something extra to dominate .for Instance, your observation, your research and your network play key roles .besides, read books, discuss ideas and socialize as much as you can. Remember, to be unique you have to do something unique.

In this world everybody is selling something whether it is a skill or product and every type of buyer is available .so you should know how and where to approach your buyer then sell whatever you have. So you have to market your product or a skill through social media because it is very cheaper and quicker. Once you learn the tricks of the trade you will always be busy in doing something rather than being free. So keep working always .do not be hard working be smart working.