
You need to pay the Price for your Success

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand”, quoted by Vince Lombardi.

What is success? It’s a process that satisfies you in your personal as well as in professional life; a wealth that gives you gratification or a status that gives you confidence to live in your society. Definition of success varies from person to person. But one aspect is similar in all successes; every success story has bundle of struggle, hard work, dedication and compromise for desires.

Is it that easy to pay the price of your success as you pay the price for your daily groceries? No, it’s definitely not. If you think you can achieve success with doing just little work then you are surely expecting wrong. And if you achieved so; that won’t be your permanent success but just a time-being achievement.

We have grown up seeing our parents struggling really hard for everything. They are used to wake up early in morning; go to their works; do hard work to achieve their tasks; and then earn money; just for a better future life. Then, we never understood how much they struggled; but entering into our practical lives, we get to realize and understand their struggles, hard works, and difficulties which ever came into their way but they cope up with them to succeed in their motive. That was the real price our parents paid for a successful future for us.

Every person wishes to succeed in his life and for success, we have to pay its price as well either in form of compromising emotions, concealing some dreams and desires, compromising financially, or staying away from family in abroad. Success can never be achieved just by wishing to be successful but you have to struggle very hard for it. As big your dreams are, as much you have to pay for succeeding in achieving them.

Let’s take a brief look over what price you exactly need to pay for your success.

• Be Brave:

To achieve success, you need to be brave enough to face your fears and beat them. You can never reach your goal if you have fear in doing something that your success demands. Your fear constantly holds you back from objectives you are willing for. You need to overcome your fears as well as compromise on your desires and fears; and build up enough courage that is required to chase your targets with passion.

• Be committed:

Success needs commitment and consistency. When you have decided to struggle for something you want and to achieve your goal; many difficulties and setbacks will come your way, but you have to remain committed to what you are doing. Don’t stop or look back or quit or even try to fix any obstacle but instead keep on moving forward with full dedication and commitment to succeed towards your goal. Success demands your full committed and accountability of your every action and decision.

• Don’t let your failures stop you:

Whatever work you do to achieve success; problems, difficult times, hurdles, mistakes and failures will always be there. You cannot avoid these things to happen at any cost. But the point is how you cope up with your failures in those circumstances will definitely show difference in the end of your success journey. It doesn’t matter how badly you failed or how terrible you may feel at that time. This failure is never the last option for you. Success needs you to get up from your failures and try even harder by either changing your strategy or doing something different with more passion.

• Sacrifice; whatever success demands:

Success is only attainable when you are ready to give up on something to get something back. You can never gain something for nothing. Therefore, success requires sacrifices in form of money, time, sleep, pleasure, or even your own self. Often you need to change the way you are, to become the way your goals need you to be. Other times, you are required to give up your small pleasures and comforts to achieve something big and long-lasting. You also need to invest financially into your developing goals to make them valuable for people so they could assist you to fulfill them.

Moreover, your success requires you to sacrifice on your time as well; time which you often spend in other pleasurable activities, hangouts, just sitting in your couch or bed doing nothing. You need to value your time so time will make you valuable at a point when you will be a successful person.

Above are just some of the things which you success require to happen. Your success will come if you also remain patient towards your goals and keeps on updating your skills. You will definitely enjoy your success one day when there will be no more obstacles in your way and you will be an inspiration for many who are struggling.


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